Features for Agency Partners

MiO has a whole suite of tools for agencies, especially when it comes to branded content and new opportunities

  1. AccesstoMiOCampfireContentStudio to help warm prospects & opportunities
  2. ReceiveanddownloadRFP/Opportunities you’ve been selected for.
  3. Requestand/orsearchforservice, software, and media providers if needed.
  4. Receivefeedbackandupdatesdirectlyin the platform.
  5. InteractwithMiOforassistancewith responses or get ChatGPT
    prompts to increase closing ratios.

Features for Services, Platforms, Publishers & Media Providers

At MiO, we provide an extensive set of tools to build relationships with brands, agency and marketing teams. Tired of pitching the same old opportunity? We’ll help connect and deliver the type of branded content and custom opportunities to start the process of building true connections.

1.Save time by tracking truly actionable opportunities
2. Gain deep insights with the custom MiO dashboard
3. Trackleads, close deals or receivein-platform feed back on opportunities
4. MiO Campfire warms leads with branded content
5. Use ChatGPT to build or maximize response rates
6. Amplify your ability to ”solvenotsell” with additional Campfire opportunities